Master's Dregree

I took this Masters on University of Beira Interior, Covilhã! It started in 2017 and ended in 2020!

Did you know?

The Master's degree in video games wasn't my first choice! I was supposed to take my masters in Cinema, but then I changed to video games!

Master Thesis

In my Master’s Degree, i wrote a Thesis that analyzes the creation of an emotional bond between the player and fictional characters. To understand this process, we decided to research different scientific areas such as: Psychology, Philosophy, Ludology and Narratology. With this analysis, we decided to solely research the narrative aspects that can create this bond.

To investigate the creation of this emotional attachment, we decided to analyze the mission Family Matters from the video game The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt (2015). This analysis led us to create two inquiries, one in Portuguese and another in English. These inquiries were shared throughout the social media. Our goal was to reach the maximum number of people possible to analyze emotional attachment.


We gathered 430 responses, which enabled to identify the narrative components that led the players to create emotional attachment with the characters.

My Masters Thesis!