Personal Projects

On this page, you can see the personal projects I have been working on.


I wrote a personal project that was stuck in my head for a while. This is my first attempt to bring these concepts to light. Meet Sylvie and Hope as they encounter the Angel of Death in a fantastic but weird ceremony. If free time and my head allow it, I shall bring more stories and expand this universe.

Read the script here. THE ANGEL OF DEATH


A detective walks into a bar and encounters a familiar face. What happens next will shock you. This is a script based on a small briefing. " Write a scene that has a detective walking into a bar. The detective must have a conversation with another character, and there has to be a plot twist in the middle. Maximum of 3 characters and a 5-page limit.

Read the script here. A HELLISH ENCOUNTER

I also rewrote some of these scenes and added more description. You can check the second version of the script here. A HELLISH ENCOUNTER v2


I decided to enter a contest to win Hogwarts Legacy. To my surprise, I've managed to win it by creating a tragic new house for Hogwarts. I had to deliver a 700-character document with the new house; however, I decided to show you my 700-word version of my creation!

Read the lore behind the house of Umbraven. HOUSE UMBRAVEN

Um Olhar por Narrativa| PT Podcast| Narrative Analysis (2020 - )

In addition to creating narratives, I also love to dissect them and bring guests in to discuss them. I started this podcast in 2020, and it keeps going forward! Recently, the talks have been more informal, and they are pretty casual to hear. The podcasts are in portuguese and you can hear/see them on my Youtube Channel. Um Olhar por Narrativa Podcast

Multiple Projects | 2.5D Animator (2017-2019)

On 2017, I was an intern in Greywolf, an Indie Video Game Studio. My job in the studio was to animate wallpapers and tried to make them “alive”. And so, my journey as a VFX artist started. My main goal was to make parallax animations and transform simple images in animated wallpapers. My time in Greywolf allowed me to improve my abilities and skills in this field, so I created an Artstation to publish my animated work. I also animated wallpapers that weren’t connected with Greywolf. I would check HD Wallpapers, and I thought to myself: “What if it was alive?” With this mindset, I managed to animate some works of talented artists, however, my work isn’t affiliated with them. Every time I animated, I always said that the image wasn’t mine and I always cited the source.

Check my animations at Artstation! My ArtStation

Game Jam Games| Narrative and Game Designer (2017 - )

Game jams are great for developing short games based on a theme. I made a few of them over the years;

- The Last Transmission is an 1v1 multiplayer game with the objective of finishing a transmission. Play the Last Transmission

- Trial of Arlino is a 3D game that follows a captured lion in a local zoo. Play Trial of Arlino

- Fountain Hope is a 2D shooter game that takes place in the destroyed city of Leiria. Play Fountain of Hope